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SZERZŐI JOGI FIGYELMEZTETÉS Az oktatók által készített oktatási anyagok – dokumentumok, prezentációk, illetve hang- és videóanyagok – szerzői jogvédelem alá esnek, azok nem továbbíthatók harmadik félnek, kizárólag az adott kurzus hallgatói használhatják a kurzus teljesítése érdekében.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © 2022 KÁROLI GÁSPÁR UNIVERSITY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN HUNGARY All rights reserved. All educational materials – documents, presentations, audio and video materials - prepared by the instructors of the university are subject to copyright. They are not to be forwarded to a third-party, only the students registered for the given course may use it solely and exclusively for the purpose of completing the course.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © 2022 KÁROLI GÁSPÁR UNIVERSITY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN HUNGARY All rights reserved. All educational materials – documents, presentations, audio and video materials - prepared by the instructors of the university are subject to copyright. They are not to be forwarded to a third-party, only the students registered for the given course may use it solely and exclusively for the purpose of completing the course.
Hallgatók belépése/How to log in:
Felhasználónév: A Neptun-ban szereplő alapértelmezett e-mail-cím.
User name: The e-mailaddress that you have registered in the Neptun system.
Jelszó: Abcd1234! (a ! is része a jelszónak; kérjük, a jelszót az első belépés után változtassa meg)
Password: Abcd1234! (The "!" is part of the password; the password should be changed after the first login.)
How to change your password: Your password should be at least 8 characters long, and should contain at least one lower-case letter, at least one upper-case letter, and at least one numeric and one special character.
Technikai segítség/Technical support: